define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); Multicultural Night 2021 Goes Virtual – Williams PTO

Multicultural Night 2021 Goes Virtual

Welcome to Williams Multicultural Festival Week

We are excited to launch our first ever Virtual Multicultural Festival! 

And while we will miss gathering together, sharing treats and enjoying the festivities of Multicultural Night as in years past, this new virtual festival format lets us experience Williams’ students and families sharing different cultural traditions and of course, yummy treats through videos!

We will be sending video compilations throughout the week highlighting different cultures and traditionsOur students and families worked so hard on them and we are grateful for their wonderful submissions.

We hope you watch the videos with your families and then join us in our live family event:

THURSDAY, Jan. 28 6:30-7:30 We will have live demonstrations, games, treats, cute kids and more!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 1165 7221
Passcode: yummy

Thank you to all the Williams’ Families who created informative, fun and interesting videos to celebrate our many cultures!