define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); PTO Check Requests and Deposits – Williams PTO

PTO Check Requests and Deposits

Dear Williams PTO volunteers,

Thank you for volunteering your time this year to the PTO – together, we are enhancing our children’s school experience via the events and programs that we are able to bring to Williams School.   We want to make you aware of new operating procedures for this school year – the objective is to be efficient, cost-effective, and green!

Check & Reimbursement Requests: You can submit online by filling out this FORM, or attached is a “Williams PTO CHECK REQUEST FORM”.  Please submit this form to request a check for a vendor, with bills/invoices that need to be paid, or to get reimbursed for purchases you’ve made.  You may email the completed form to or fill out a hard-copy (available at PTO desk) and leave in the Treasurer drawer.   Note that invoices and receipts must be submitted.  If you email the form, leave the invoices/receipts in the Treasurer drawer with a note.  Using this form will assure that check requests are accurately and efficiently processed.

Deposits: Fill out this online FORM Attached is a “Williams PTO DEPOSIT FORM”.  Please submit this form with all checks/cash donations from fundraisers or other sources.  Copies will be available at the PTO desk.  If you are leaving a good amount of cash, let the treasurer know ahead of time.  Using this form will assure appropriate accounting of funds.

Don’t hesitate to contact the treasurer with any questions about the forms or budget.

Photocopying / Paper: A goal of the PTO this year is to be as paperless as possible, so use electronic communication whenever it makes sense.  However, if you do need to photocopy something, e.g. to go home in kids’ folders, you MUST use the paper in the PTO closet. You may use the upstairs copier (top of stairs at far end of school, near Rick Jacobson’s room) or the one outside the office.  If you see that the paper supply is running low, please one of us know.

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