define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); Attendance/Safety Call Back Information – Williams PTO

Attendance/Safety Call Back Information

When your child is going to be absent from school or late to school, you need to leave a message on the Williams School Safety Call Back/Attendance phone line:


Please note that this is a dedicated line and is NOT the main number for the school.

It is important that you call the safety call back/attendance line (617-559-6499) by 8:30 a.m. on the day of the absence/late arrival.

A parent volunteer listens to the messages each morning and cross checks the names with the attendance sheets for each classroom.

If you know about the absence in advance, you can send a note to your child’s teacher and the main office. If you have sent a note, you do not need to call the attendance line.

If a child is absent and no message or prior note has been received, a call will then be made to the child’s home to check in.

Please help us make sure your children are safe by remembering to call if they will be absent or late.